We're big fans of bribery at our house. It hasn't always worked, but more often than not it helps us get Jack to do something he doesn't really want to do.
Case in point - sleeping in his room. We have tried almost everything to get him to sleep, as our dedicated readers well know (I won't shut up about it). About a week ago I told Jack that if he slept in his big boy room all night for two nights he would get a reward - a ride on the Lightrail Train. He LOVES the Lightrail, so this was a big deal. He talked about our deal alot, but didn't actually stay in his room until Thursday and Friday nights. But we'll take it - he stayed ALL NIGHT. This is a huge deal for him - hasn't done that in months. So Saturday evening we rode it all the way to the end of the line (downtown Minneapolis), got off and had dinner, then got back on and rode home. He was thrilled.
Also of note - Grandpa and Uncle Ry Ry are in town! We had a trip to Target with Ry Ry, a belated birthday party for Grandpa, a romp around the backyard with both of them, and then our Lightrail adventure. It was a big day.
A picture run-down of the day:
Grandpa birthday

The New Monkey Bars
Jack's Ticket to Ride
On the "Trainey"
The Winner - a lady on the train gave her "winner" medal (which she earned in a pub crawl) to Jackson
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