But aside from that he really doesn't come up in every day conversation. However, we DO listen to MPR quite a bit and Jack has an uncanny knack for completely blocking out everything they say until the words "Barack Obama" come up. Jack's focus immediately returns and he starts talking about Barackobama, how we went to a caucus and how we pick leaders.
So my question is this - when does a cute little story like this turn into an obsession that we really need to nip in the bud?
Ummm, maybe when Jack looks up from his easel and announces to us that he just drew Barackobama arms?
I mean really, is that normal?
Normal? YES! My land, can we get him registered to vote????
Very Normal! Besides, it could be much worse - you could have an Alex P. Keaton on your hands!=) I only hope that once Gabe can talk he to, will become Obama-maniac!
Just keep in mind his "call for change" may mean something other than politics!
Oh shoot BJ - I knew we were missing something. Good catch.
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