If you follow me on Facebook, you already know this, but I'll elaborate here. Jack won four awards in school in the last three days. This is significant for a lot of reasons, but mainly because he has worked so hard at it. I think some people (even readers here, I'd guess) have kids for whom behavior has never been a problem. It's one of those "You Can't Know What It's Like Until You're There" things, to be a parent of a kid who really struggles in that area.
He's had his eye on the Classroom VIP since he stepped foot at Seven Hills (his new school). It's the highest honor they bestow upon the students - and every class does it every week of school. Jack has ebbed and flowed with his behavior in the classroom and has not received the award.
In gym class they give a VIP as well, and Jack won that earlier in the year. Then behavior stuff got hard again and he didn't get any more. We work REALLY hard with him on all of this - I won't go into it all here, but trust me that the caps-lock on "really" was intentional and well-earned. So we took a deep breath and kept at it. He kept mentioning the classroom VIP, even saying the other week that he thought he was going to get it. I knew he wasn't, because I was having daily email conversations with his teacher about his behavior. It broke my heart and Jack got to learn the words "discouraged" and "disappointed" and the difference between the two.
He had a good day on Friday, and Monday, and again Tuesday, and the hopes started going up (on both of our parts, I'm not gonna lie) that this might be the week. On Wednesday he got the gym VIP again, and a Great Work ticket in math class. That's another way they reward good behavior.
I picked him up Friday and we were walking down the hallway and he goes "so...I got the VIP."
I literally dropped my bag on the ground and said "SHUT. UP." (I'm a great role model.) I was stunned. He was beaming.
I tried to tackle him but he's too strong for me so I had to settle for a really big bear hug. He also got another Great Work ticket. Four awards in three days - all of them behavior-related. Amazing.
Way to go Jack!! Gaga
You worked hard for this, Jackson. I'm very proud of you! And what a great big brother you are - setting this example for Ryker! HURRAY FOR JACKSON!
Aww this made me tear up!! Congratulations Jackson!! Such a big deal and it is even sweeter that it came as a reward after really hard work. You can do anything you put your mind to! Love you buddy!
Thanks guys (on behalf of Jack)! He had a bit of a rough patch this weekend, working through the post-VIP emotions. What an interesting kid he is - always an adventure. BUT - he earned another Great Work ticket today. He's on a roll. =)
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