Monday, April 30, 2012


The Blogger platform now gives you stats. I only rarely look at them, but tonight I was playing around with them.

One of the features is that it will show you how people got to your blog through keyword searches. We've all done this, right? We're not sure what the name of something is, or how to describe it, so we type a bunch of words into the search function of Google and hope for the best.

The keyword search that brought the most people to this blog is "she and 3 hes." That makes sense.

The rest were all tied for 1 referral. Most were variations on the title of the blog. But my favorite two?

  • What do agnostics do with rabbits?
  • Most words spoken in a day guinness record
What does that even mean?


the fabulous Nikki B said...

What the heck? That is awesome!

Bethk said...

What??? This makes no sense. So weird!!