There are many, obviously. One of the differences is sleep habits. Tonight was a good illustration.
I had to work at an event, so I got home right after the kids went to bed. I had texted Chuck and told him to tell the kids that I would come in to say goodnight.
I got changed and went into Ryker's room first. He was awake and SO excited. He got out of bed, ran around his room and whispered all about the pieces of paper he was giving me and the bad day he had (he hit someone) and that he wanted pajamas on (did I forget to mention he was naked?). We cuddled and talked and cuddled some more. We discussed why I call him my baby (because he came out of my tummy so I get to do that forever), and who came out of Grandmommy's tummy (me and Ry Ry, which is why SHE gets to call ME baby forever) and that there is a picture that happened before he was alive yet. Sure. Many, actually, but yes, I know the one he is referring to. We talked about the pictures he planned to put up around his room "to make it beautiful."
I told him I needed to go say goodnight to Jack. I went in there and Jack was sound asleep. I smoothed his hair down and kissed him on the head. Nothing. I kissed him again and said "goodnight sweetie - love you" and he opened his eyes really fast and just stared at me. Zero recognition of who I was. I said "it's okay baby, it's Momma, I'm just saying good night." His wide eyes kept staring. Nothing. It's a little creepy, I have to say, to have your kid staring at you with no recollection of who you are.
I left my confused and 95% sleeping boy in one room and heard my AWAKE baby in the other room, happily talking to himself still. AWAKE has come out once already as I'm writing this. I have my money on one more time.
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