This morning I was driving Ryker to school, and we had the following conversation.
Ryker: Who gave us dis house?
Me: No one gave it to us, sweetie, we bought it.
R: We bought it? You and Daddy?
M: Yes, Daddy and I bought it.
R: And den we move in? Me and Sassin and Daddy and you?
M: No, just Jack and Mommy and Daddy. You weren't born yet.
R: Me and Sassin?
M: No, just you -- YOU weren't born yet so we moved in and then you were born later.
Long pause.
R: (in a horribly mournful voice) Mommy, I was SOOO SAD....because you weren't dere when I was born.
M: (laughing) Umm, yes I was. You came out of my tummy. I was definitely there.
R: (pause) You ATE me????
Hahaha!!! What did you say to that??
love it!!
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