The blog needed a fresh look. Ugly? Okay? Don't say a word about the picture not filling the width of the page. I tried for far too long to get it right and finally gave up. I think it'll be a nice little daily reminder of how persistent I can be even when I fail in the end. There's a lesson in there, right?
Tonight I worked on the blog template, but prior to that, I worked on a bunch of things with Jack. Things discussed and/or solved at bedtime:
1: Jack initially said he "doesn't like his life" - in response to which I almost fainted. After some careful prying, I deduced that what he MEANT was that he was upset that he was rushed in the morning and had to take too long in the bathroom. (I'm SO SORRY Teenage Jack, when you go back and read this. Momma's just trying to explain this epiphany to her readers...). See #s 2 and 3.
2: I will attempt to wake up earlier to hang out with him longer in the morning.
3: He will now have prunes or apricots at dinner. We'll leave that one right there.
4: We might take on a version of praying at bedtime.
5: With Chuck's help, I recounted the life of Jesus and his death. I'm not kidding. Not that someone would joke about that.
6: Again, with Chuck's help, we tried to explain the concept of the Holy Ghost.
7: Jack decided that he might very well follow in the footsteps of many in Chuck's family and study theology. And yes, he now knows that word. Do you think at school they'll ask the kids what they want to be when they grow up, and after hearing "doctor, astronaut, fire fighter..." from the other children, he'll respond with "theologian"?
8: Chuck and I decided that Jack might well be Manning (Chuck's late father) reincarnated.
9: Jack is no longer anti-School Picture Day.
10: God did not die, and Jesus was not shot like Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr.
It was a long, long bedtime, but Jack seemed pleased.
In related news, Ryker went on a field trip to pick apples at the "Apple Church" - and no, that's not it's real name. Rykerisms never cease to put a smile on our faces.
Who needs to go to church on Sunday to be reared in a religious household? Sounds like you're doing a great job!
(It ALL cracked me up - but I have to admit the "Apple Church" got the out loud laugh from me!)
Ha, the classic rebellion starts early I guess. Raise your kids with religion, they rebel and become atheists. Raise them without religion, they rebel and become theologians.
Seriously though I think it's wonderful he has an interest in learning this stuff. (And, most likely, it will pass in time like most interests at this age.)
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