Thursday, July 21, 2011

Most Important Meal of the Day

In our house, breakfast has become quite the hot topic.

Chuck and I are trying a different way of eating. I hate the term "diet" because it implies, to me, that I'm only temporarily changing my behavior. This new Thing we are doing just varies the timing of when you consume your calories. It doesn't reduce them at all. If you're curious, you can read more here.

Chuck has already lost 20 pounds. He's only been doing this for a few months, and he's healthy and happy and gaining strength and feels great. My weight loss is coming along more slowly. But enough about me - did I mention Chuck has lost 20 pounds? He's the Incredible Shrinking Man.

As a side-note, he just sent me an article about a study that found that the mere taste of a sugary drink (Gatorade, etc.) will prompt you to perform better. You don't have to actually drink it, you just have to gargle with it. And you can't trick your mouth - it can't be calorie-free. There are receptors in your mouth that know the difference, and report back to your brain that you are about to have some CARBS and your brain says "well, then, GIDDY-UP!". Fascinating. I'm going to try walking around with a noodle in my mouth and see if that helps. Chuck thinks I'll have to rotate the noodle so my mouth doesn't get used to it.

Where was I?

Oh, breakfast...

So while Chuck and I are giving up breakfast (read the article, people), Ryker has developed a fascination with his own consumption of the Most Important Meal of the Day. Every night before bed we go through a series of statements - "Good night sweet you...sleep tight..." to which he replies "good night....sweep tight...don't forget 'bout bwek-fast."

Last night he woke up at 4:45am sobbing. I went in there and held his hand, which settled him down. He began to fall back asleep and I tried to remove my hand, which, of course, woke him back up. I said that it was the middle of the night and we needed to go to sleep. I said that Mommy and Daddy should both be sleeping. He replied "I don't want Mommy and Daddy to be sweeping. I want you make bwekfast."

1 comment:

Bethk said...

I love that you and Chuck had a whole conversation about the noodle and how it would (or would not) work, as if it was a real possibility you might do it. Because you wouldn't do that, right? Right?

And Congrats to Chuck on the weight loss - awesome!