Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It's Not Working

Okay for real people - Jack is just not behaving well. He's throwing major tantrums at home and misbehaving at school. Someone PLEASE tell me this is a phase that 5 year olds go through.

At school I think it's that he's bored. When he's being challenged, like during work time, he is perfectly fine. But at playtime he's a terror. We've taken things away from him (privileges) and now we're going to go back to a sticker chart to reward the good days.

He's lucky that he's perfectly adorable.

Maybe it'll all be better when school starts?


Amy said...

Since we haven't hit five yet, I can't say - except keep your head up and this to shall pass. The other idea I saw on a parenting website - putting marbles in the glass jar whenever you see your kid doing something good. When the jar is full you get to go for ice cream or another treat.

KellyM said...

I know we've talked about this, but i can't help writing a comment, too! (smile) Can you spell b o r e d? He's a foot taller and thinking in a way completely differently than the other kids in the room. That's okay for a few days. After months of it - well - the mind thinks up other things to do! He's in a GREAT pre-school. But that's it - a PRE-SCHOOL. And he's WAY. PAST. THAT.

Nicki said...

It's time to write a new post, my darling friend! :)