Saturday, March 19, 2011

4am? Really?

Ryker has been waking up crying. He's transitioning into the preschool room, which is stressing him out, and he just needs a little extra comfort. That's fine. For a few nights the crying has started at 11pm. I'm not asleep yet, so it's okay. I go in there and rock with him, then put him back down and he goes to sleep.

Last night he did not cry at 11. I thought he was maybe going to take the night off. Nope. He started crying at 3:45am. I decided to let him cry for awhile and see if he went back to sleep by himself. By 4am I heard Jack's door open. I heard Ryker's door open. (I don't think I've explained on the blog, but Jack has been springing Ryker from his crib every morning on weekends for several weeks now. I'll try to get a video of them reenacting this soon.) Then several doors opened and closed, and then there were two sets of feet running around and two voices whispering. They ran for a second, then Jack came in to our room and asked if I could turn a movie on for them. I went into the living room, and the light was on and Ryk was sitting on the couch. I said no, that it was THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT and to GET TO BED NOW. Jack went to turn the light off and I picked Ryker up to take him back to his room.

Jack said "As I was turning off the light, I was thinking that maybe Ryker would want to sleep in my bed with me." Ryker nodded. I was tired, and the thought of them sleeping together seemed perfectly adorable, so I agreed. ???

For the next 4 hours they were in and out of our room asking for things. At 4:40 I told them that they were NOT allowed out of Jack's room until the first number on the clock was an 8. Five minutes later Jack came in. "OUT!!!" I whisper-yelled and pointed at the door. "No Mommy, I'm in here because I think you said we could come out when the first number was a 4 and the others were 45. NO. That is NOT what I said. I said the first number had to be an 8. BACK TO BED. NOW.

I'm selling them.


KellyM said...

All I can say is get them well trained about that "8" thing before two weeks from now! That's much better than my previously negotiated "7" thing!

Amy said...

I can kind of relate. Dave is gone on a tournament, Gabe has been getting up at midnight, crawling into bed with me. Then the dog climbs up to. Last night completely squashed between the two of them. I would like a king size bed.

Anonymous said...

I just have to say that I totally want to see that springing-Ryker-from-the-crib video. So now you have homework.