The silly little stomach bug will NOT leave my family alone. We've all been through it at least once. And now it's raining on my Valentine's Day Parade.
I went to work today and Chuck sent me 3 dozen roses! THREE DOZEN! WEEEEE!!!! So sweet. My office smelled divine. So the day started really well.
Then I wanted to do a yummy dinner with Chuck, but the stupid stomach thing ruined that. I did convince him to go to Noodles with me, so we had a romantic dinner of pasta and Dr. Pepper with the kiddos.
We got home and Chuck needed to lay down. I spent 45 minutes trying to convince Ryker to go poop on the potty. I read him stories, I sang him songs, I made up funny characters that voiced their displeasure at him pooping in his pull-ups - to no avail.
Now I'm playing on the internet while Chuck goes to Walgreens in search of a miracle cure for his tummy.
Do I get a do-over?
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