Saturday, November 20, 2010


Good Lord that boy talks a lot now. I'll try to document his new pronunciations as best I can.

  • I served him hot cocoa for the first time today. He referred to it for the next several hours as his "coffee."
  • His favorite songs are "Cankle" (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star), "Hah-tay-toe" (Hot Potato), and our personal favorite, "Giggle Balls" (Jingle Bells). Favorite artists are "Boobay" (Michael Buble) and "Bee-alls" (the Beatles).
  • He "yuvs" (loves) the "Wig-uhls" (Wiggles) and particularly "yikes" (likes) the "cock-uh-puhls" (octopus).
  • He'll say most everyone's names now, but the cutest right now might be "Cuh-yen" (Cullen).
  • Favorite toys are "cockuh ba-yul" (soccer ball), "tains" (trains), and "sub-all" (shovel).
  • Winter accessories include "mitts" (mittens) and a "cack-et" (jacket).
  • When movies are starting they are "coming" and then they are either "o-buh" (over) or "bow-ken" (broken).
  • He's not potty-trained yet, but he'll tell us when he's "messy" or "stinky" most of the time. Sometimes he lies and says "I fi-yun" when he's clearly not.
Anyway, we're having fun deciphering what he's saying. We have to ask Jack to translate at times, and he always comes through.


Coolest people ever said...

I love it! You know like 75% of my posts are kid quotes, but I SO wish I had started doing that when they were little. The pronunciations are the best part. I think my favorite here is "hay tay toe." So cute!

Jim said...

Love it!

I played the jamba juice video of Ryker saying "I yike it!", over and over for my 23 month old Grandson. You should have seen the smile on his face. What a doll!