Sunday, August 29, 2010

Weird Things I've Seen

August edition:

1. A stuffed frog flying down the highway.
2. A man wearing jeans, no socks, and black dress shoes while working out.
3. Nikki eating brats and Coke for breakfast 3 days in a row.
4. Several different couples at different times kissing in the exact same place on the Plaza at Target Field.
5. A senior living facility named Real Life.

Also weird, all children's programming: Dora, Sponge Bob, the Wiggles. I mean seriously, have you ever watched them? Someone was on some serious drugs when they made those shows. And our kids are obsessed with them.


papa said...

hey, I love Spongebob. Whoooo lives in a pineapple under the sea????

Coolest people ever said...

I think my kid can take credit for papa knowing the words to the SB theme song!