All kids go through certain inappropriate phases. I remember Jack calling a seat a "teet" - which turned into him announcing at restaurants "Momma teet!"
Ryker is fully in the inappropriate phase now too. His obsession with shoes as a baby has expanded to include socks now. Only he can't say "sock." To keep this family-friendly...he replaces the "s" with a "c."
So now he runs outside to find Daddy and yells, for the entire neighborhood to hear, "Daddy's (not an s)ock!"
Or he runs into the entryway to find his socks waiting for him before school and he turns around and yells "My (not an s)ock!"
Also - just a random but funny and slightly inappropriate snippit. Tonight he was sitting on my lap at bedtime, facing me. We were singing in the dark, like we always do at bedtime, and he reached over for his sippy-cup. In one motion, with no pomp at all, he turned the cup upside-down with one hand, pulled my collar open with the other hand, and tried to pour water down my shirt.
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