Monday, May 24, 2010

Economic Recovery

Jackson's been asking a lot of questions about our upcoming trip to California for Beth's wedding. Every day I have to give him the countdown. He said last night that he wished it was tomorrow because he wants to see Beth and Nik NOW. So sweet.

Tonight he was asking me about the food on the plane. I said that they would probably give us pretzels. He said that he wasn't sure he liked pretzels anymore, I told him that he would be pretty hungry then, and he said that maybe he WOULD eat them. Then he asked if that was ALL they would give us. Now, keep in mind that I've flown ONCE in the last 3 years. So I said that I wasn't sure, but I didn't think they gave us much. I went on to explain that they used to give full meals but that I didn't think they did that anymore, and of course he asked why. He's a smart little guy, but I didn't really feel like explaining the economic downturn. Instead I just said that in the world right now, people aren't spending as much money to fly, and so the airlines don't have much money to spend on food. I thought that would be confusing enough to quiet him down.

I should have known better. He thought about it for awhile and then said that he wanted to give the money we save up to the airlines.


Amy said...

Cute! That had me laughing!

Bethk said...

hhaha!! aww. can't wait to see you guys, I am counting down TOO!