My conversations with Jack could not be funnier right now. He is a funny little kid. And gullible.
Today in the car we had the following conversation:
Jack: "Logan has midgets in his closet." (What do you say to that, by the way? And how do you not drive off the road?)
Mommy: "Really? Did he tell you that?"
J: "Yes. It's true. He said it."
M: "Bud, do you even know what a midget is??"
J: "No. Do you know?"
M: "Yes."
J: "Tell me."
M: "Well, it's not a nice term. There are some people who don't grow the way you do or Mommy and Daddy did, so they are smaller than other adults. Sometimes they are your height. But they have decided that they feel best when they care called 'little people,' not 'midgets.' That word hurts their feelings so we don't say that."
J: silence
M: "And I'm pretty sure that Logan does not have any little people in his closet."
J: "Yeah, I bet he hasn't even LOOKED in there."
1 comment:
You could TOTALLY confuse him by telling him about the one who used to live in the house on your street (was it next door?...I've forgotten)... the one who was in the Wizard of Oz! He could go back to Logan with THAT! I miss his conversations - they are SO funny! Is he still singing in another language (Jackson-ese)?
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