Jack has been reading books about America's birthday, and the founding fathers, and our national anthem. He frequently asks me questions about the Revolutionary War. Today as we were driving home, he said "why did the King of Eng-wand decide to send his army over here to fight?" and I had to go through the whole taxation-without-representation thing. And I said "and then he decided that fighting was the right way to solve the problem. Do you think that was a good choice?" and he goes "no."
Then after awhile, this:
Jack: "If he came over here now, I could out run him."
Mom: "Really Bud? Are you faster than the King of England?"
J: "Yes, because I have two pairs of tie-shoes and one pair of boots."
M: "Well, what if HE has two pairs of tie-shoes and one pair of boots?"
J: Silence
M: laughing "Are you thinking about that Bud?"
J: "Yes. I think I'm faster."
M: "Yeah, I think you are too."
So that's what Jack's into right now. He's into history and learning and how fast he can run, and he's practicing his writing a lot too. It's very sweet.
Ryker? His newest accomplishment was forcing his teachers to give him a bath at school in the sink. Why? Because he had pooped, then gotten it on his hands and spread it all over his head.
Night night. Sweet dreams!
1 comment:
That is hilarious! The poop and the running faster than the king. I am worried that I will have forgotten all of my grade school education by the time my kids are this age and I won't be able to recall things like "taxation w/out representation". I'm just going to plan to have my kids call you - or Jack - with all their questions. Cool?
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