Well, we successfully navigated another Halloween. We carved pumpkins (Jack put two faces on his - creative, I thought) and roasted the seeds.

Jack wanted to be a flower for awhile, but then got into the costume store and picked Spiderman instead. Like half of the other boys in America. We ultimately decided to let Ryker be a construction worker, mostly because we have the costume at home and he loves it.

So we got all dressed up yesterday and opened our door - to the screams of Chucky, who lives up the street from us. He was yelling "Come on Jackson! GET OVER HERE!" He was standing in his yard screaming at us to hurry up so they could get started. Chucky and Jack are buds...

...and they drag Samantha (Chucky's sister) and Ryker along for the ride. Here are all 4 as we set out.

Our neighborhood isn't that into Halloween, which sucks. But while the adults were disappointed and recalling Halloweens from our childhoods where we came home with pillow cases FULL of candy, the boys didn't have anything to compare it to, and were quite content with their little piles. Ryker was in the stroller, as there is no way he'd keep up with the big kids and something about his costume kept making him fall over. He seemed fine strolling along, but I thought he should have at least one chance to Trick-or-Treat, so I got out ahead of our pack and let him out of the stroller. I gave him his bag and helped him up to the door. He sceptically held out his bag and watched as the lady dumped some candy into it. Then he turned around and fell face-first into the lawn. Back into the stroller.
We ended up over at the neighbors house, the ones from my Wally and the Beav post. They throw a good party! I was so engrossed with the Halloween-themed food and keeping Ryker from crawling into their fireplace that I forgot to check in with Jack. When I went outside I saw my very own Spiderman chasing some other kids with a gigantic log. I told him to
get back here immediately, and to
put that log back where he found it. He walked over to the firepit outside and threw it in the flames. More gray hairs for me. A few beers in the garage and football on the TV helped me forget all about it. All in all a good night though.
(More pics on Flickr)
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