Monday, October 12, 2009


So I asked Jack what he wants to be for Halloween. I wasn't sure what I expected him to say, but it definitely wasn't this:


Ummm, okay. That's really sweet. The only problem with that, I'm finding, is that they only make them them for girls - complete with tutu bottoms and sequined tops.

And I really want to be the mom that lets her boy wear that to school and off to Trick or Treat. But I know the kids at his school, and they'd make fun of him. He's taken some ribbing recently for sucking his thumb, so I can only imagine what the kids would say to him if he came to school in a tutu.

--Filed under Moral Dilemmas of a Liberal Mom

1 comment:

Amy said...

that's awesome Jamie! Wow - challenging though. How about if he is a Venus fly trap? ("manly" flower?) he could wear green sweat pants and shirt - and then you would have to figure out some sort of crazy snapping head piece. (hows that for helpful??!)