Monday, September 14, 2009


Two examples of Jack's innocence:

1. In the car today, singing together to Michael Jackson...

Jack: "Momma, my voice is bery different than yours is."
Momma: "That's right."
J: "Bery different."
M: "Yep, it's different. Everyone has different voices. And we all look a little different too. No two people look or sound exactly the same."
J: "Yes, but everyone has to have white teeth. If they don't keep them that way, they will fall out."

2. Yesterday, while sitting on the stool in the corner of my dressing room at J Crew...

Momma: "Jack, do you know what I'm doing?"
Jack: "No."
M: "I am trying on these dresses so I can order my dress for Beth's wedding. I have to find out what size I'll need to order so I'm trying on some similar ones."
J: "....And what size dress will I be wearing?" (he's the ring bearer)

1 comment:

Bethk said...

so cute!! he can wear a dress if he wants! thank you so much for going and doing that. even though I thought we already decided you were Petite Zero? ;)