Saturday, August 15, 2009


Without another mechanism for bottling up and preserving my feelings about today, I thought I'd blog about it.

Today was great. Nothing too extraordinary - no huge vacation taken, no major milestone achieved. Just a good solid day where I was really happy and so proud of my family.

We woke up and had to hustle to get out of the house. We had promised to spend the first half of the day helping our new childcare move to its new location. Jack started off a bit rocky - but found his kazoo behind a picture on a shelf and then found his sock in the back of his underwear, so life was good. ("Momma - that was two AMAZING twicks!!!)

Ryker hung out with Grandma Bernice while Jack, Chuck and I went to the move. We felt good about helping, met parents we hadn't met yet, and loved the new space. And Jack REALLY enjoyed helping move. He brought his "big strong muscles" and really did help - he carried boxes and bags and chairs and toys. And every time I asked him if he wanted a break he said no, that he wanted to keep going. He was the only kid there helping.

We came home, took short naps and then played for awhile. Then we went out for dinner at a local place we love but haven't been to in awhile. It has a ridiculous salad bar and lots of other yummy food. The boys were amazingly well behaved and drew compliments from perfect strangers (who also thought they were 5 and 1 and a half).

On the way home we put on I've Been Working on the Railroad, which Jack and Chuck and I sang along with loudly. Ryker clapped to the beat, giggling the whole time and attempting a few notes of his own.

Home again, we got through the bedtime routines with no drama. Jack came in to say good night to Ryker and was worried about why Ryker's ear was red (from how he was laying on me). "Do you think he might need me to kiss it? Kiss. There. I love you Ryker....I love you Momma." And off he went to bed.

Ryker read Goodnight Moon with me and tried his hand at the quiet old lady who was whispering "hush" - putting his finger up to his mouth and blowing loud, wet bubbles. Close. Then he dove towards his crib.

Night night to a good day.

1 comment:

Grandmommy said... absolutely perfect! Here's to reruns! Congratulations for such a wonderful family! Can't wait to see you all!