1. Most Frequent Job Changes. He started at Jobs2Web yesterday, marking his 6th employer (I think).
2. Strangest Calls Prior to Starting Jobs. One time he got called prior to his start date so they could tell him that they "found more money" and could increase his salary. This time, he got called with "good news and bad news." The bad news? That the laptop they ordered was not here yet. The good news? They have a desktop ready for him.
3. Most Caffeine Consumed Per Workday. Jobs2Web has free soda as well as free coffee (from freshly ground beans). Sub-records might be Most Words Spoken in One Hour, Most Times Visiting the Bathroom, and Most Work Completed in a Day.
1. Pounds of Almonds Consumed.
2. Highest Number of Inane Details Uncovered about Donor Prospects.
3. Strongest Bicep and Shoulder Muscles. This one is a credit to Ryker and his records - see below.
1. Fastest Meltdown. And Fastest Recovery.
2. Most Food Requested in a Day.
3. Most Pounds Per Square Inch of Force Applied to a Little Brother During a Hug.
1. Most Passing of Gas During a Doctor's Visit.
2. Quickest Reflexes. Various sub-records could include Quickest Grabbing of Glasses, Quickest Grabbing of Earrings, and Fastest Hand to Mouth Time for Tiny Choke-able Objects.
3. Largest 1 Year Old (30 pounds, 31 inches - see red dot on the growth chart below. That top arcing line is the 95th percentile).

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