Not the best picture, but basically he was breaking out in little red bumps all over his belly, back and neck. So we ditched the Admitting lady and went to the ER instead (conveniently located right down the hall). Ryker was admitted there for an allergic reaction to the antibiotic we started him on last night (to help his congestion and fever). Here's his little wristband:

So the redo is Thursday. Stay tuned. But in the meantime, this is what he looked like just a few minutes ago, happily chomping on his Baby Ronald McDonald.
James - I am so sorry! Call me if you need to talk anything through - I am sending Ryker, you and the family lots of good energy. I am glad you are doing the tests - hope it will give you peace of mind - but Ryker looks like such a happy healthy baby!
I agree with Amy -- he looks happy, healthy and adorable! Hang in there. . . . we are sending good energy your way too.
Thanks for the update....poor thing...but I agreee with Amy (and Laura)....he looks really good to me!! Give him kisses and hugs and we will keep watching for another update on Thursday.
Love to all of you,
Hi Jamie,
We're thinking of you and your sweet little guy.
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