I went home from work feeling really ill on Wednesday. Bad headcold, couldn't see straight. After taking some Dayquil my headache went away and I was a little giddy. Chuck's been taking it for days and is also a bit loopy. He had gone to Target and came home with a home haircut kit (that I wanted earlier, sans meds). We were looking at it and Jack asked what it was for. We said "to cut hair." He said "Whose hair?" We said "Your hair." He smiled nervously and waited for us to say that we were twickin' him.
We weren't.

He looked fine...mostly...unless you looked at it from certain angles...or in a light-filled room...or closer than 10 feet away.
Once you got within arms reach you could see the massacre above his ears that came at the hands of the ear taper. For those of you aspiring to cut children's hair at home - heed this warning: DO NOT USE THE EAR TAPERS. We didn't get a good picture of Jack's version, but it's something like this:

He cleaned up the evidence. Maybe it was part of his healing process.

I touched it up Thursday morning when I was a bit more lucid. He asked me Friday morning when I was going to do the "rest of doze back dare." I need to win back his trust. Chuck went Thursday night to Great Clips for his own haircut, which should tell you how much faith he has in my haircutting ability.
hysterical! I admire your courage! I dont think I am up to the task quite yet.
Dayquil is a gateway drug, you know. Clearly.
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