This is Jack's wardrobe. 

Last night I asked him to put a sock away in its drawer. I said it was one of the small squares. He reached up to the right one and put the sock in. Then he pointed at the top left one and said "dat square too." "Correct" I said. "Do you know what the shape is of the long one to the right?" He had said something close to "rectangle" a few days ago so I thought he might say that again.
Chuck thinks he said "rumpus," as in the Wild Rumpus from Where the Wild Things Are. I choose to give our child more credit than that. =)
He did say rhombus, Jamie! It's one of the shapes on the shape poster we use at the Cocoon. Come on Chuck! He knows the months of the year in English and Spanish- why not a rhombus?
Funny - I logged in to leave the same comment (about the poster) but Miss Kay beat me to it! Now if you guys could teach them the difference between a rhombus and a parallelogram, that would be great, because I always forget. . . .
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