Anyway, After such adventures Chuck and I like to ask Jackson what his favorite part was, and he's started reciprocating ("Momma, what YOUR favorite?").
Jack's favorite: "BOOM BOOM!" (accompanying gesture is something like what Florida Gator fans do - clapping hands while they are parallel to the floor)
Chuck's favorite: Rocky the bull blimp
Jamie's favorite: Petting the bull outside! I want to take him home!
Jamie's other favorite was not caught on camera because apparently Chuck (photographer) was not as obsessed with the rodeo clown as I was. He's not your typical rodeo clown - to be clear. He sings and dances (Beyonce moves, no less), and is a comedian as well. Name's Flint Rasmussen (did I just sound like a cowgirl?). Anyway, he's worth the trip to the event all by himself, in my opinion.
Last night I was showing Jack pictures from our weekend. He saw the following one:
Who knew bull riding would be a civics and safety lesson as well?
Anyway, it was a great weekend! Thanks to Grampa and Ry Ry for showing us the ropes. Pun intended. (What's the matter with me today?)
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