Saturday, February 28, 2009


A couple of updates from the Banjostrand house.
First, Jack is officially a member of the Justice League.
And he has a trusty steed.
Ryker does not have pyloric stenosis (one thought as to what his man-sickess might have been), but might be allergic to milk so I have to go dairy-free. He seems fine and has found a new playpen.
And after deciding to make Avery a heart-shaped card......Jack promptly drew a line through the middle of it. I guess the wedding's off.
(More pictures on Flickr.)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Justice League

I'm officially offering up my prediction that Jack will be a cop when he grows up. Or an investigator. Or a member of the Justice League - "Jackman" or "Wonder Jack". He is SO obsessed with crime and wrongdoings.

We had another conversation about Abe Lincoln yesterday. Jack was on the potty, I was holding his hands (he requests this a lot and I indulge him, but I'm hoping he grows out of it). Here's how it went:

Jack: "Momma, dat nice man got shot. Abraham Lincoln got shot and he die-did."
Momma: "Yes Bud, he did."
J: "Why did John Millman shoot Abraham Lincoln?"
M: "Why did John Wilkes Booth shoot Abraham Lincoln? Well, he made a very bad choice."
J: "Yes. He had a gun. Why did he have a gun?"
M: "I'm not sure."
J: "Did the policeman come and take him to jail?"
M: "Yes, I think they did."
J: "They put him in jail with his gun?"
M: "No, I think they took his gun away from him."
J: "And what did they do with his gun?"
M: "Well, they put it somewhere where he couldn't get it anymore, so he couldn't hurt anyone else."
J: "When can we go see John Wilkes Booth in jail?"
M: "Ummm, never. He died a long time ago."
J: "WHY? What happened to him?"
M: "I'm not sure Bud. Are you almost done?"

I was desperate to end the conversation. There is something slightly odd about talking about all this with him, for many reasons, not the least of which is that I don't actually remember what happened to John Wilkes Booth. And also we were in the bathroom.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Some of you may be familiar with the term man-sick. It's not a nice term - generally used to make fun of how guys handle illness and injury worse than women do. Chuck knows that I'm a firm believer in man-sickness and it irks me. I know I'm offending many a man - if any read this blog - but hopefully my girls will defend me.

Anyhow, I have 3 men now at home and each has his own version of man-sickness right now, detailed below.

Chuck: Chuck had to stay home today because he had a stomach bug. He legitimately did. But he does handle it with many a moan, curling up into a small ball and telling me that he'll help watch Jack (who had to come home from school because of a stomach bug - more on that below) so I could work from home, while at the same time pulling the covers over his head further and further until I could only see the tops of his ears.

Jackson: Part of the reason for the video posted below is that Jack is sick. Or not. Well, maybe. He was on the potty at daycare 4 times in 2 hours, each time whimpering that he wanted his mommy. So I went to get him and spent the whole car ride home trying to get a three and a half year old to describe his symptoms to me. It didn't go well. Finally I asked him if he was hungry and he said yes. Point. I asked him what he thought he might want to eat for lunch. He answered "brownies." Point. So he's fine, right? But then he was crying and whining all night - hence the video. But at the end of the video, although it's hard to hear over the crying, he asks for a broccoli cookie. What the heck?

Ryker: Ryker is the happiest of the man-sick bunch. Seems fine. However, three times in the last week I have been on the receiving end of what I promise is the most forceful *PLEASE STOP READING HERE IF YOU ARE SQUEAMISH* projectile vomiting any infant has ever done in the history of time. How does he respond to this "sickness"? By beaming at you as you scream hysterically, trying not to return the favor all over him. No fever, still hungry, sleeping fine. Happy happy man-sick little wookiee.

Our House Two Minutes Ago

They even quieted down for the camera.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Regular Saturdays, Missing Jack's Face, and Things Jack Teaches Me

(NOTE: New Flickr pictures to the right.)

Part one of this post:
Chuck was trying to get pictures of us goofing off this Saturday morning. And in doing so, we really really tried to get pictures of Jack because of the Jack-deficiency this site and our photo albums are dealing with. Here is what happened - no joke...
We did get these, which pretty accurately sum up our weekend mornings.
Part two of this post:
I wanted to make a short list of the things that Jack has taught me in the last few days. Here goes.
  • It's never the wrong season to season to sing Christmas carols.
  • When your bee suit doesn't fit anymore, you become really appreciative that you have a Superman suit.
  • Words to live by include: "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit," "No peekin' baseball," "Say what you mean and mean what you say," and the newest one "Alligator purse."
  • Dat nice man Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth with a gun.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Love Story

On Monday I dropped the kids off at daycare. I ran into Avery's mom, Sara. We talked for awhile and decided we had to get the kids all together again soon since Jack keeps asking when we get to go to A-Ver-Eee's house.

That afternoon Chuck picked the kids up and was told that Jackson got mad while playing in the sensory table and that he bit Avery. I figured that was the end - we would probably be uninvited or decide not to play together since Jack had probably really upset Avery. She definitely has friends to hang out with that don't inflict bodily harm.

Well, apparently Avery likes a challenge.

Today she told Miss Andrea that she might love Jack - and she made a heart with her hands to prove it. And she told her mom yesterday that Jack is her "half-husband."

I asked Jack about Avery on the way home. He told me he danced with her today. And that it was fun. And that he was wearing a red dress that twirled when he spun around. And that he's going to turn her into a goonie.

Jack has a way with the ladies.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Trading Places

Do you ever wonder what it would be like if your day was more like your child's?

If my day was like Jack's today I would have watched Sesame Street before work. I would have yelled "NO!" when asked to put on my jacket this morning, and then someone would have helped me put it on anyway and kissed me goodbye. I would have had a 5 point harness in the car and sucked my thumb the whole way to work. I would have done a good job with part of my day and been praised -- and I would have had problems listening to my superiors during another part of my day. For that, I would have been kept inside while all of my coworkers got to run around outside. Around 12:30 pm I would have laid down in my office with a pillow and blanket and taken an hour and a half nap. My brother would have been with me all day.

At the end of my day, I would have left with a note saying how my day went:

Name: Jamie's Special Activities Today
Today I ate Jimmy Johns sandwich and yogurt
I ate all _X_ most ___ I tried ___
Today I: napped _X_ rested ___
Other activities I did today:
Group Operations Meeting
Art Drew tiny circles for seating chart for event
Large Motor Replaced department's Culligan Water jug
Small Motor Writing with a pen
Math/Science Budgets
Other Event verbal walk-through
Today's Date

I would have gone home and had a snack, then danced around the living room for half an hour to "Roll Call" from the Thomas and Friends website. I would have moved my peas from my dinner plate onto the counter, then thrown one at Chuck when he wasn't looking. Now I would be wearing fleece footie pajamas and Chuck would be reading to me, then tucking me into my race car bed for the night. And the biggest thing on my mind right now would be what socks I will wear for Silly Sock Day at work tomorrow.

Friday, February 13, 2009

You Know You're a Second Child If... are missing one sock already and then you spit up - and your mom removes your remaining sock and wipes your face with it.

I guess you're a third child if she then put the sock back on you. I didn't do that.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


While I'm in the business of giving Jack Uber-Blog-Attention, I thought I'd share some recent Jackisms.

Jackson: "Momma, why is Ryker asleep in your arms?"
Momma: "Because he's SOOOO sleepy."
Jackson: "And he just can't hold it together."

In Target - Jack was leaning in to Ryker's face and laughing really hard:
Momma: "Funny - what is Ryker doing to your nose?"
Jackson - loudly: "He's pwucking me!" (Pwucking is how Jack says "sucking" but he says it fast and it sounds really bad.)

Jackson: "Momma, there's gonna be a witch comes out pretty soon in dat movie I'm watchin'."
Momma: "Really?"
Jackson: "Yeah, it's no biggie."

Jackson: "I want to be the tillerman."

Jackson: "Mommy, I'm tired of you talkin'."

Momma: "Jackson - what goes through your head each night when you decide to come into our room?"
Jackson: "Oh, I know! It's because I have such a big brain!"


It has come to my attention that this blog and our Flickr page are missing photos of something - something that is about 3'6" and adorable. Oops. I think Chuck and I, both being youngest children, were worried that we wouldn't have as many pictures of Ryker as we do of Jack, and we over-compensated. My mom said she was trying to find good pictures of Jack's face to show her students, but instead kept having to point him out in other photos.

"Oh, here's another one of Ryker, but that's Jack back there in the background. He's the blurry one."

So here is my ode to Jackson.
And I forgot to put in my Top 25 List for him that I love that he eats hot dogs and buns - separately (eats the hot dog cut into pieces and eats the bun like it's dinner roll). Here's proof:

And while I was putting photos on the computer I need to put them on Flickr also or they're going to be lost in the ethos that is my Photo Folder. So I'm updating Flickr, and yes, there will be pictures of Ryker in there as well. But there are these and some others of Jack!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Here is our Chubby Wookiee:
Fluffy Wookiee:
Eating Wookiee:
Drooling Wookiee:
Little Brother Wookiee:

Want more pictures? Of course you do. =) Flickr has new ones (link to the right).

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Legend of John Millman

Jackson and I spend a lot of time sitting in the same place, whether it be in the car, in the bathroom or at the breakfast table. During this time, we often read books, listen to music or drive places and Jackson talks.

One thing that Jackson talks about is John Millman. Like many other legendary figures in our history, no one is really sure where John Millman came from but he is responsible for an incredible number of things.

Here is what John Millman has accomplished so far:
  • Authoring nearly every book we own
  • Composing and performing every song we hear
  • Building and fixing homes, likely all of them
  • And if we aren't sure who did something, its John Millman

How does John Millman do all of these things? He has five arms, obviously. With those five arms, he has five thumbs. Where does John Millman live? St. Joesph's Home for Children, of course. These are statements of fact that are not up for discussion.

When John Millman is mentioned, it brings great joy to Jackson as he has a good laugh and smiles. It is clear that John Millman is a great and noble man.

And so goes the legend of John Millman...

Look Ma, TWO Hands!

I'm typing with two hands. Guess why?

Because Ryker's sleeping. Guess where?

In his room!!!!


Those of you close to the Banjostrand household know that we've had an unplanned 7-12 month bout of cosleeping. Kitty, Daddy, Momma, Jack and for as long as he's been alive, Ryker, have all slept in "our" bed for portions of every single night. And until Thursday night it was moderately okay.

Friday morning Chuck and I began composing our Craigslist posting to sell the children. "Two slightly used children for sale. Very high-spirited, smart and cuddly. Come with all appropriate clothing, food and furniture. Must take both - sale is final. $25 OBO. "

After a day full of pep-talks, we embarked on Operation Get the *expletive deleted* Out of Our Bed. Jack's room is sporting a brand new anti-sleepwalking gate outside the door, for which I feel mildly guilty but also incredibly grateful. And Ryker went into his crib.

The first two hours of the night were peaceful. And I celebrated my new found freedom by eating Jell-O and watching This Old House. (By the way, am I the only person who didn't really know what Jell-O is made from? Gross.)

The next few hours were spent alternating between Ryker feedings and Jack coming to his gate, shaking the bars and stage-whispering "DA-DDYYYY!" until Chuck got up and told him that it's not time to get up yet and to go back to sleep. Ryker stayed on the 2-3 hour feeding schedule with one bout of crying that lasted over an hour. But from 3-6am it was quiet. And then Ryker slept again until 9:30, when I started this post. Of course now it's half an hour later and he's up and has had a bath and is sporting an outfit characteristic of a family that hasn't done laundry in two weeks. Chuck says he looks like a substitute teacher. No offense to any subs out there - I was once one of you.

Anyway, I'm rambling out of excitement for our progress. We'll let you know how it goes.